With years of experience teaching people everything I know about creating eye-catching portraits, I have personally created this digital masterclass to help people along their photography journey. To give you knowledge and help you find ideas and inspiration. In simple language, with lots of visuals and many different setups. With only two lights you can achieve so much! After taking this masterclass, you will surely be inspired and eager to plan a shoot to put it all into practice.
My goal is to give you the tools, inspiration and ideas to get going and start experimenting with lighting. This masterclass is here to help you, and to show show you that you can start small and build from there.
The masterclass videos will be available to you whenever you want in the online learning platform. No rush or deadlines, work at your own pace and jump in whenever you feel like it. The masterclass will go over 20+ lighting setups as well as which light shapers and tools to use for what purpose, extra tips and tricks and an insight into how I conceptualize and work on creating my images.
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